Post - test

1.  How many people are there in the family?
    a.  There are two.   b.  There are three.
    c. There are four.   d.  There are five.

2.  How old is the sister?
    a.  She is one.    b.  She is two.
    c. She is three.    d.  She is four.

3.  Who gets in trouble something?
    a.  A little sister   b.  A little brother
    c.  His friend    d.  His father

4.  What ‘s his favorite thing?
    a.  Playing football   b.  Playing games
    c. Playing tennis    d.  Fishing 

5.  How many brothers does he have?
    a.  One     b.  Two
    c. Three  d.  Four

6.  Does he love family?
    a.  He loves his family.  b.  No, he doesn’t.
    c.  Yes, he does.    d.  He loves school.

7.  Who makes the rules?
    a.  His mom and dad   b.  His dad
    c. His sister    d.  His brother

8.  Is their favorite thing swimming?
    a.  Yes, it is.    
    b.  No, it isn’t. 
    c. Their favorite thing is playing games.
    d.  They  like to play games the best.

9.  My mom and dad make the rules for my family.
The underlined word  means …………..
    a.  Father     b.  Mother
    c. His sister    d.  His brother

10.  Do you like playing games?
    a.  I don’t like playing games.
    b.  I like playing games.
    c. No, we don’t.   
    d.  Yes, I do.

